几个月下来的探索与尝试,我总算找到自己想挑战的题材。PANTAI TIMUR SERIES 是描述我去东海岸所看到与感受到的一切。希望能创作出不只是画面的作品,透过我感性的接触与理性的安排把东海岸的生活点滴记录在画布上。在东海岸通过纸笔与相机记录的内容使我非常激动的想把它们都表达出来。我非常喜欢与投入创作这系列,希望日后大家也喜欢与享受这系列的作品。 Taking a few months to trying and searching my new painting idea and subject, finally I find a way to keep going. That is PANTAI TIMUR SERIES, with this series I realy enjoy to paint more. It's exposing what I travel and seeing at pantai timur west malaysia. I try to express the culture and lifestyle more than just showing the image. I feel happy and enjoy it much, hope you guys enjoy too. Rest 休息 Fishing net 捕鱼网